Limbe Gets A State-Of-The-Art Multipurpose Tech Hub

Solidarity & Development Initiative (SODEI) is set to launch a multipurpose Tech Hub in Limbe on June 20th 2020 as from 9 AM.

The commercial ecosystem in Cameroon has not been the best in recent years due to the persistent socio-political crisis and now the global health crisis. These and more have completely reshaped the way business, work and other activities function.

To some, it has been a complete handicap while to others; the situation has widened their scope to think out of the box; developing and testing new solutions. Many individuals and organizations have completely restructured their approach & techniques; exposing the need for advanced skills necessary to handle responsibilities.

Several businesses have reluctantly adopted digital opportunities while others have completely integrated digital solutions into their operations. Whatever be the case, there is severe need for a digital savvy youthful population in Cameroon to drive development in entrepreneurship which seemingly is a strong pillar for economic evolution.

The state-of-the-art multipurpose Tech Hub comes in play to expand their capacity and preparedness to serve the community in diverse ways. The launching will take the form of an Open-Door Day; making it possible for the general public to discover the services, opportunities as well as offers of the Hub.

The open day will accommodate activities such as:

  • SODEI Space Tour
  • Brief Presentation of Activities & Offers
  • Random Group Discussions
  • Q&A session
  • Light Refreshment

Located at Fako Bakery Building, Bota Middle Farms-Limbe, SODEI is a not-for-profit organisation working to inspire and engage young people through education for self-development.

Our mission is to inspire and engage children and young persons in Cameroon by increasing their chances to succeed through innovative and creative methods of learning; alternative skill development and education support.

We do this by creating spaces and platforms to facilitate and foster expression as a means of communication, mental stimulation and participation in youth and community development activities.

Our four core Programme areas include:  Learn, Speak & Play (LESPLAY); Youth mentoring and leadership; the Literacy Programme (Library and Book Club); Young Women and Girls’ Empowerment Programme. We have set up a Youth Resource Centre and a Community Library in Limbe from where most of our programmes are run.

Through SODEI Tech Hub we intend to apply a social enterprise model to maximize social impact by generating income internally to support our projects. SODEI Tech Hub provides IT products and services while creating an opportunity for young people to invest themselves into IT, and a platform for collaboration on innovative ideas to foster change within our communities.

SODEI Tech Hub Services:

Take the rendezvous and be part of this life changing opportunity. For more information about the event and other services of SODEI, please get to us via the contact details below.

 (+237) 677 663 629

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